Website Content

Website Content
You have a beautiful website... that's great!
BUT: is it telling people what they want to know?
- What makes your product or service stand out from the rest?
- Why they can't go past your product or service.
- What your story is, the idea behind the product?
- How to use it?
Content is important not only for people to decide to use your service, but also that search engines have enough information to point the right people to your site. Organic SEO will take time, but it is one of the strongest tools you have.
You need a good 400 words on your home page to make a statement, and they should include your keywords and refer back to the title of the page without "keyword stuffing" and the same goes for other pages on your website too. If you are having trouble, hire a copyrighter they are worth the investment!
Create fresh, interesting content for your site often, don't let it go stale!

Posted: Thursday 29 April 2021